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Melbourne Nail Laser Clinic

Common Questions

Understanding Nail Fungus

Nail fungus, known medically as onychomycosis, is a common and often troublesome condition that affects a significant portion of the population. In fact, it's estimated that up to 2 in every 10 individuals may experience fungal infections of the nail plate at some point in their lives. This prevalence underscores the importance of delving deeper into the realm of nail fungus and gaining a comprehensive understanding of its causes, symptoms, and treatments.

The Prevalence of Fungal Nail Infections

Nail fungus is no rare occurrence. Surprisingly, over half of all nail problems are closely associated with fungal infections. As we age, these infections tend to become more common, making it a concern that spans various age groups. The impact of fungal infections extends beyond mere aesthetics; it can lead to discomfort, affect nail health, and, if left untreated, potentially result in complications such as bacterial infections under the nail plate.

Symptoms and Characteristics of Nail Fungus

The manifestations of nail fungus are both varied and recognisable. Infected nails often exhibit changes in texture, thickness, and color. These alterations may present as yellow, brown, white, or even green hues, creating a visual marker of the underlying problem. The texture of the nail can become notably thicker, making it difficult to trim or maintain.

One of the most disconcerting aspects of nail fungus is its ability to cause the nail to crumble and separate from the nail bed. This not only leads to a distressing aesthetic but also opens the door to bacterial infections. The discomfort associated with nail fungus is a pressing concern that can significantly impact an individual's quality of life.

Exploring the Root Causes of Nail Fungus

Nail fungus does not materialise out of thin air; it has underlying causes. Fungal spores are the culprits, infiltrating the nail plate when the latter has suffered some form of damage. A healthy and undamaged nail plate acts as a formidable barrier against the invasion of fungal spores, emphasising the importance of nail health.

Once these spores breach the nail plate's defenses, they often find warm and sweaty environments within shoes to be the ideal breeding grounds. In such conditions, fungal spores thrive, and the infection takes hold. The most commonly identified organism responsible for nail fungus is Tricophytum Rubrum, a type of dermatophyte. However, it's worth noting that various yeasts and molds can also trigger fungal infections. In some cases, patients may even find themselves host to multiple fungal organisms, further complicating the situation.

Nail fungus does not discriminate when it comes to sources of infection. Communal showers are notorious for being breeding grounds for these fungal spores, making them a common source of infection. For women, nail bars can be a particularly risky environment, especially when proper sterilisation practices are not followed.

Certain medical conditions, such as Diabetes and Peripheral Vascular Disease, can exacerbate fungal infections. The compromised immune response in these conditions often provides a conducive environment for the growth of fungal spores, further underlining the importance of comprehensive foot care for individuals with underlying health issues.

Diagnosis and Identification of Fungal Infections

Recognising a fungal infection is a crucial step toward effective treatment. In many cases, individuals might initially notice subtle changes in the texture and color of their nail plates. While some conditions of the nail plate may mimic fungal infections, experienced Podiatrists can often diagnose them visually. However, when doubt exists or
the symptoms are ambiguous, pathology tests may be ordered to confirm the diagnosis. This approach ensures that appropriate treatment is administered, preventing unnecessary discomfort and potential side effects from ineffective treatments.

Preventing Fungal Infections: A Proactive Approach

Prevention is a key component of dealing with nail fungus. Taking steps to minimise the risk of infection can save individuals from the discomfort and inconvenience of dealing with this persistent issue. Here are some key strategies to prevent fungal infections:

Prompt Treatment: 

Act swiftly when dealing with infections, especially those that affect the skin of the feet. Treating foot infections promptly can help prevent the spread of fungi to the nails.

Use Thongs in Public Showers: 

Fungal spores are known to thrive in damp and communal environments, making public showers a hotbed for infection. It's recommended to wear thongs or shower shoes in such places, even in upscale hotels.

Rotate Footwear: 

Frequently change your footwear to reduce the risk of prolonged exposure to fungal spores. By allowing your shoes to dry out completely between uses, you can create an environment that's less hospitable to these invaders.

Maintain Good Foot Hygiene: 

Regularly cutting toenails is essential to prevent the buildup of debris and to minimize the risk of fungal infections. Proper foot hygiene also includes keeping your feet clean and dry.

Choose the Right Socks: 

Selecting the right socks can make a significant difference. Opt for those made from cotton or natural fibers, as they allow better air circulation and moisture management. Avoid synthetic materials, which can trap moisture and create an ideal environment for fungal growth.

Nail Salons: Proceed with Caution: 

Be cautious about your choice of nail salons. While a cheap pedicure might seem like a cost-effective choice, sterilisation practices can lead to long-term issues. It's crucial to prioritize the use of medically acceptable sterilisation methods to protect your nail health.

The Effectiveness of Laser Treatment

Laser technology has brought a new dimension to the treatment of nail fungus, offering a more effective, comfortable, and convenient alternative to traditional methods. For over 15 years, Melbourne Nail Laser Clinic has been at the forefront of this laser- based approach to treating nail fungus.

Our clinical results have been nothing short of remarkable, with an impressive success rate of 80%. While there is no treatment method that guarantees a 100% success rate, laser therapy has proven to be a significant step forward. The results speak for themselves, as exemplified by the before-and-after pictures taken 12 months after
treatment. These transformations are a testament to the effectiveness of laser treatment in combatting nail fungus, offering renewed hope and confidence to those who have struggled with this condition.

The Future of Nail Fungus Treatment

In the ever-evolving landscape of nail fungus treatment, Melbourne Nail Laser Clinic has been a trailblaser. Dr. Greg Bastin's pioneering vision brought laser technology to Melbourne over 15 years ago, forever changing the way nail fungus is approached. This journey of innovation has now culminated in the Lunula Laser, a revolutionary cold
laser system that has set new standards in fungal nail treatment.

The Lunula Laser stands apart from its hot laser counterparts by being purpose-built for the specific task of treating nail fungus. Unlike hot lasers originally designed for different medical applications and later adapted for nail fungus, the Lunula Laser was crafted from the ground up with a single focus: delivering unparalleled results in
fungal nail treatment.

The Advantages of the Lunula Laser:

Pain-Free Treatment: 

Perhaps the most significant advantage of the Lunula Laser is its pain-free nature. Patients no longer have to endure discomfort during their fungal nail treatments, a stark contrast to hot lasers, which can cause considerable pain.

Unprecedented Results: 

The outcomes achieved with the Lunula Laser have exceeded our expectations, surpassing those of earlier generation hot lasers. Patients not only experience greater comfort during treatment but are also more satisfied with the results.

Dedicated Nail Fungus Treatment: 

The Lunula Laser's single-minded approach to treating nail fungus sets it apart. Unlike hot lasers, which were originally designed for various medical conditions and later adapted, the Lunula Laser was purpose-built for
this specific purpose, optimizing its effectiveness.

Melbourne Nail Laser Clinic has consistently pushed the boundaries of innovation and prioritised patient well-being. This commitment has solidified our position as a leader in fungal nail therapy, with a track record of success that speaks for itself.


Nail fungus is a common and persistent issue that affects millions of individuals worldwide. Understanding its causes, symptoms, and effective treatments is crucial to managing and preventing this condition. With the advent of laser technology, a new era in fungal nail treatment has dawned, offering an effective, pain-free, and dedicated solution. Melbourne Nail Laser Clinic, with over 15 years of experience, stands at the forefront of this transformative approach. The future of nail fungus treatment is bright, offering hope and confidence to those who have long grappled with this challenging condition.