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Melbourne Nail Laser Clinic

Treatment Options

  There are 5 treatment options available:     

Topical Treatments:

There are several topical treatments on the market, we find the results are so low that they are not worth wasting your time and money on. 

Oral Medications:

Oral medications have low cure rates but have a higher  success than the topical treatments. The big issue is Oral Medications have very high side effects, such as loss of taste and rashes but the major concern is possible liver damage. If you do use these medications your doctor should do liver function tests while you are on these medications.

Surgical Removal:

A procedure where we surgically remove the nail has around a 60% chance of working but can be painful. You probably will not be able to wear closed in shoes for a week to ten days.

Hot Laser (Painful) 

“Hot Laser” this destroys fungus with heat, the big issue we found is the results are proportional to the amount of heat (hence pain) patients can endure. Many practitioners who use this old technology claim there is no pain. This is simply not possible as it is the thermal effects that destroy the fungus and the spores. There is another big issue that no practitioner using this type of laser will tell their patients, when using a hot laser it generate a laser plume. As the laser beam hits the area infected by the fungus particles are thrown up into the air and these are breathed in by the operator and the patient, this is not a desirable situation.

Cold Laser (NO Pain) 

“Cold Laser” this is the latest form of technology to treat nail fungus there is absolutely NO pain as it uses 2 lasers. One increases blood flow to the area to help the body get its natural immune cells into the nail bed the other laser creates a photochemical reaction which destroys the fungus from within the cell. The big advantage with cold laser is there are no side effects so it is perfectly safe for patients.